Application for Microbiological Drinking Water Testing Certification
Under section 56-1003, Idaho Code, the Idaho Legislature has delegated to the Board of Health and Welfare (Board) the authority to set standards for laboratories in the State of Idaho. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Bureau of Laboratories (IBL) works in partnership with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Drinking Water Program to enforce the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1977 on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Region 10.The Bureau of Laboratories serves as both the Principal State Laboratory for the DrinkingWater Program and has been delegated authority by the Board to certify drinking waterlaboratories according to the rules outlined in IDAPA 16.02.13, “State of Idaho Drinking WaterLaboratory Certification Program”.

Laboratories seeking certification to become a certified drinking water laboratory in Idaho must submit a departmentally approved application (below) with the requested discipline specific supporting materials to the appropriate Certification Officer(s) at IBL. The materials will be reviewed for compliance and certification will be granted if they are found to be acceptable.

Christopher L. Ball, Ph.D., HCLD (ABB)
Certification Authority for the State of Idaho

Application Sections
  • General and Personnel Information
  • Methods
  • Submission of Documentation
  • Attestation Statement
Call 208-334-0555 with technical issues.