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The CUC leverages Dashboards for faster and easier reports

The Committee of University Chairs Annual Report on Remuneration

The Committee of University Chairs (CUC), the representative body for chairs of the governing boards of UK universities, has been collecting information for annual benchmarking reports on remuneration since 2014. The data in this report offers important real-time insight into higher education remuneration trends, which are key to determining annual remuneration packages in a competitive market.

The Problem

Collecting the data is only the first step in the process. Sharing the findings from this exhaustive survey with the CUC members in an intuitive, easy-to-digest manner is a much greater challenge.

The Goal

The CUC needed a way for their members to:

  • Efficiently process, visualise, and share large amounts of data
  • Conduct deep analysis quickly and easily
  • Gain meaningful insights
  • Make data-driven decisions

The Challenge

The CUC adopted WorldAPP’s brand new dashboarding functionality, and members were immediately able to see the comprehensive data set broken down into charts and graphs, quickly revealing critical insights. For the first time ever, CUC members can filter results for easy comparison using built-in categories, such as region, mission group, and financial turnover. They can also create their own lists to create side-by-side snapshots of their institution alongside ones they consider the most comparable.

For the CUC, using Dashboards means that it can now share this critical benchmark report with its members through a secure link. Without Dashboards, disseminating the report meant sending encrypted spreadsheets and fielding separate requests from each member for custom slices of the data. The information was packed into rows and columns, leaving members to create their own analytics and chart their own findings. Using QlikView to share the report resulted in a much more static presentation of the data, and it failed to deliver a satisfactory return on investment. With Dashboards, members now have the flexibility to view and use the data however they see fit.

The Result

The CUC now has a complete solution to gather in-depth remuneration information from universities and deliver the results in an intuitive, easy-to-use report, bringing a new level of value to its membership base. The CUC’s new ability to gather data late in the year and turn around a rich, interactive report when annual remuneration discussions are the most vital in the spring, makes it an invaluable partner to universities across the UK.


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